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Why choose EIGAS 4x4?


We work with leading British parts manufacturers specialized in the manufacture of components suitable with Land Rover vehicles. Everything to offer a wide range of products in order to meet the needs of our customers.



Bearmach innovation has led to a programme of product development that would ensure the “work horse” image of Land Rover is continued into the aftermarket. Bearmach pride themselves on supplying top quality products.


Bearmach’s aggressive pricing policy is coupled with a focus on quality, ensuring that owners pay less for genuine, OEM and Quality assured Bearmach branded parts. We constantly monitor prices to ensure we continue to offer competitive quality products.


By applying different manufacturing techniques to older parts with inherent faults, Bearmach design for more durability and a longer life span.

In Bearmach we have been dedicated to this unique brand since 1958 and over the last 50 years we have led the field of manufacturing techniques, using superior materials and the supply of quality parts at low cost.